Jason Matthews

Calgary Alberta

Business & Lifestyle Coach

Everyone has the potential for greatness, even if they don't see it or believe it. Think back to how many times someone has told you something great that you did, and all you did was smile & maybe even say thank you. Yet on the inside you were saying, "that's just something that I do, and something I've always done. There wasn't anything special about what I did."

Now take a moment and think back to the person who complemented you, or cheered you on. If that person thought it was routine and nothing special, do you think s/he would have given you such a great compliment? Could it be what you think is routine someone else thinks is pretty spectacular?

Whether in life or in business we all do remarkable things all day, every day. Some things we are given credit for, from others, and hear about it. Some things we don't get any credit at all from others, even though we made a positive impact. My question to you is, what kind of credit do you give yourself? How do you praise yourself? What words of encouragement, or even dances of excitement and accomplishment do you do for yourself, after making a positive impact, LIKE A BOSS?!

I invite you to change the conversation you have with yourself; whether it is about where your life is going and the goals you have set, or the deadlines and benchmarks set for you by either your boss or your own business.

You hold all of the answers you'll ever need in your life, you just need to learn how to access them for your best success and your greatest accomplishment. Let me show you how you can access the volumes of information, locked away by your subconscious.
Member Since Jun 6, 2016